
“ Guilty !”
Day 11- May 11, 2011

CAA Seventh-day Adventist Church
Voice of Youth
Theme: Propesiya Tungo Sa Kaligtasan 
          (Prophecy Towards Salvation)
Acts 17:31 (Amplified Bible)
Because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world righteously (justly) by a Man Whom He has destined and appointed for that task, and He has made this credible and given conviction and assurance and evidence to everyone by raising Him from the dead.

Revelation 14:6-7 (Amplified Bible)
Then I saw another angel flying in midair, with an eternal Gospel (good news) to tell to the inhabitants of the earth, to every race and tribe and language and people.
And he cried with a mighty voice, Revere God and give Him glory (honor and praise in worship), for the hour of His judgment has arrived. Fall down before Him; pay Him homage and adoration and worship Him Who created heaven and earth, the sea and the springs (fountains) of water.

 Ano  ang  nangyari  sa pasimula  ng paghuhukom?
(What will happen at the start of judgement?)

 Daniel 7:9-10 (Amplified Bible)
I kept looking until thrones were placed [for the assessors with the Judge], and the Ancient of Days [God, the eternal Father] took His seat, Whose garment was white as snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was like the fiery flame; its wheels were burning fire.
A stream of fire came forth from before Him; a thousand thousands ministered to Him and ten thousand times ten thousand rose up and stood before Him; the Judge was seated [the court was in session] and the books were opened.

Anu- ano  ang  mga aklat  na  nangabuksan?
(What books were opened?)

Malachi 3:16 (Amplified Bible)
Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His name.
  • Aklat  ng  Ala-ala (Book of Remembrance)
Isaiah 65:6-7 (Amplified Bible)
Behold, it is written before Me: I will not keep silence but will repay; yes, I will repay into their bosom
Both your own iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers, says the Lord. Because they too burned incense upon the mountains and reviled and blasphemed Me upon the hills, therefore will I measure and stretch out their former doings into their own bosom.
  • Aklat  ng  Kasamaan/Kasalanan (Book of Sin)
  • Aklat  ng  Buhay (Book of Life)
Revelation 20:12 (Amplified Bible)
I [also] saw the dead, great and small; they stood before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is [the Book] of Life. And the dead were judged (sentenced) by what they had done [their whole way of feeling and acting, their aims and endeavors] in accordance with what was recorded in the books.

Ang  mga  aklat  ay isinulat  upang ipakita  ang katarungan  ng  Dios.
(The books were written to show the justice of God.)

In the Court Room:

Sinu- sino ang  nasasakdal o  ang  nagkasala?
(Who are the defendants or guilty?)

Romans 3:23 (Amplified Bible)
Since all have sinned and are falling short of the honor and glory which God bestows and receives.

2 Corinthians 5:10 (Amplified Bible)
For we must all appear and be revealed as we are before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive [his pay] according to what he has done in the body, whether good or evil [considering [a]what his purpose and motive have been, and what he has [b]achieved, been busy with, and given himself and his attention to accomplishing].

Anu- ano  ang  mga hahatulan  sa  atin?
(What are the things to be judged on us?)
  • Mga  Gawa (Actions)
Revelation 20:12 (Amplified Bible)
I [also] saw the dead, great and small; they stood before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is [the Book] of Life. And the dead were judged (sentenced) by what they had done [their whole way of feeling and acting, their aims and endeavors] in accordance with what was recorded in the books.
  • Mga  Salita (Words)
Matthew 12:36-37 (Amplified Bible)
But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.
For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.
  • Mga  Iniisip (Thoughts)
Proverbs 16:2 (Amplified Bible)
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits (the thoughts and intents of the heart).
Sino  ang Tagasumbong? (Who's the Complainant?)
Revelation 12:10 (Amplified Bible)
Then I heard a strong (loud) voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come--the salvation and the power and the kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God, and the power (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ (the Messiah); for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out!

Revelation 12:9 (Amplified Bible)
And the huge dragon was cast down and out--that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; he was forced out and down to the earth, and his angels were flung out along with him.

Sino  ang  ating Abogado  o  Tagapamagitan? (Who's our Lawyer or Mediator?)
1 John 2:1 (Amplified Bible)
MY LITTLE children, I write you these things so that you may not violate God's law and sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father--[it is] Jesus Christ [the all] righteous [upright, just, Who conforms to the Father's will in every purpose, thought, and action].

Matthew 7:25 (Amplified Bible)
And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

Sino  ang Tagahatol? (Who's the Judge?)

John 5:22 (Amplified Bible)
Even the Father judges no one, for He has given all judgment (the last judgment and the whole business of judging) entirely into the hands of the Son,

1 Peter 4:17
(Amplified Bible)
For the time [has arrived] for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will [be] the end of those who do not respect or believe or obey the good news (the Gospel) of God?

Ang  PROPESIYA   ay nagsasabi  na  si  Jesus ang  ating  magiging Tagapamagitan  at  Hukom sa  hukuman  ng  Dios . 
(The Prophecy says that Jesus is our Mediator and Judge in the court of God.)

Next topic:  Paglilibing sa Matadang Tao (Burying the Old Man)

Guest Speaker: Bro. Josaphat Dingcol, Studying Theology at Adventist University of the Philippines and an active layman minister of Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church.


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