Solved Bible Mysteries

(by Brother Willy Hepolongca, a Seventh-day Adventist Bible Cryptanalyst)
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CHAPTER 1- The Mark of the true gospel
(Recommended for every Christians regardless of each own religion)
Chapter 1-The mark of the true gospel

CHAPTER 2- Knowing the Truth about the Sacredness of the Ten Percent Tithe
for the well being of the Church
Knowing the truth about the sacredness of the tithe for the well being of the church

CHAPTER 3The Revelation of the MYSTERY Behind the SIGN of the Cross of Calvary
The Revelation of the MYSTERY Behind the SIGN of the Cross of Calvary 

CHAPTER 4- The SANCTUARY EVIDENCE in Proving Why the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Church was Foreordained Even Before 34 AD 

CHAPTER 5- Christ's First Advent as shown on Chart by applying the Latest Science in CRYPTANALYSIS
Christ First Advent as shown on Chart by applying the Latest Science in CRYPTANALYSIS

CHAPTER 6- The Consistent Mathematical Formula that we used in the latest science of CRYPTANALYSIS was derived from God's own Witnessing that was inscribed in John 8:18
The Consistent Mathematical Formula that we used in the latest science of CRYPTANALYSIS was derived from God's own Witnessing that was inscribed in John 8:18

CHAPTER 7- The Witnessing foresaw by John the Revelator in Rev. 10  7 that arrive in the days of the voice of the seventh angel as prophesied by Ellen G. White as 'the Last Period of Probation' given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Spiritual Israel) in declaring God's Mystery
The Witnessing foresaw by John the Revelator in Rev. 10  7 that arrive in the days of the voice of the seventh angel as prophesied by Ellen G. White as 'the Last Period of Probation' given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Spiritual Israel) in declaring God's Mystery

CHAPTER 8- Why year 2002 A.D. was the Start of the LAST PERIOD of PROBATION ( Manuscript 40 1900 ) that was given to SPIRITUAL ISRAEL ( Jews and Gentiles)?
Why year 2002 A.D. was the Start of the LAST PERIOD of PROBATION ( Manuscript 40 1900 ) that was given to SPIRITUAL ISRAEL ( Jews and Gentiles)?

CHAPTER 9- Why Daniel's vision of 70 weeks in Daniel 9  24 SUPPLEMENTS his vision of  2300 days in Daniel 8  14  ( E.G. White's 'First Vision' in 1844)
Why Daniel's vision of 70 weeks in Daniel 9  24 SUPPLEMENTS his vision of  2300 days in Daniel 8  14  ( E.G. White's 'First Vision' in 1844)

CHAPTER 10- By applying the latest science in CRYPTANALYSIS in disclosing HISTORICISM does not create a new light of its own, BUT rather it confirms the LIGHT of the PRESENT TRUTH
By applying the latest science in CRYPTANALYSIS in disclosing HISTORICISM does not create a new light of its own, BUT rather it confirms the LIGHT of the PRESENT TRUTH

CHAPTER 11- The LOUD CRY from the lips of Christ 'IT IS FINISHED' ( John 19  30) had its 'MARKING' at the middle division of the middle division of the heavenly sanctuary (Between the Holy Place and Most Holy Place)
The LOUD CRY from the lips of Christ 'IT IS FINISHED' ( John 19  30) had its 'MARKING' at the middle division of the middle division of the heavenly sanctuary (Between the Holy Place and Most Holy Place)

CHAPTER 12- What LAW contains the SEAL of the LIVING GOD ( 188 Dorchester Vision by Ellen G White )
What LAW contains the SEAL of the LIVING GOD ( 188 Dorchester Vision by Ellen G White )

CHAPTER 13- The "ACCESS" to the 1848 Dorchester Vision by Ellen. G. White which gave evidence that the "Bible SECRET CODE" '192' was disclosed first to the 'Remnant Seventh-day Adventist Church'

CHAPTER 14-A  The Name Above Every Name JESUS CHRIST
14.-A The Name Above Every Name JESUS CHRIST

CHAPTER 19- The 'Shifting of events' in the United States of America as disclosed on this Chart by CRYPTANALYZING (Revelation 12:13-17 and Revelation 13:11-17)
CHAPTER 19- The 'Shifting of events' in the United States of America as disclosed on this Chart by CRYPTANALYZING (Revelation 12:13-17 and Revelation 13:11-17)

CHAPTER 20- The 'Shifting of events' in the United States of America
as disclosed on the CODE from the 'GREAT IMAGE'.
CHAPTER 20- The 'Shifting of events' in the United States of America as disclosed on the CODE from the 'GREAT IMAGE'

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