Solved Bible Mysteries
(by Brother Willy Hepolongca, a Seventh-day Adventist Bible Cryptanalyst)
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(by Brother Willy Hepolongca, a Seventh-day Adventist Bible Cryptanalyst)
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CHAPTER 1- The Mark of the true gospel
(Recommended for every Christians regardless of each own religion)
(Recommended for every Christians regardless of each own religion)
CHAPTER 2- Knowing the Truth about the Sacredness of the Ten Percent Tithe
for the well being of the Church
for the well being of the Church
CHAPTER 3- The Revelation of the MYSTERY Behind the SIGN of the Cross of Calvary
CHAPTER 4- The SANCTUARY EVIDENCE in Proving Why the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Church was Foreordained Even Before 34 AD
CHAPTER 6- The Consistent Mathematical Formula that we used in the latest science of CRYPTANALYSIS was derived from God's own Witnessing that was inscribed in John 8:18
CHAPTER 7- The Witnessing foresaw by John the Revelator in Rev. 10 7 that arrive in the days of the voice of the seventh angel as prophesied by Ellen G. White as 'the Last Period of Probation' given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Spiritual Israel) in declaring God's Mystery
CHAPTER 8- Why year 2002 A.D. was the Start of the LAST PERIOD of PROBATION ( Manuscript 40 1900 ) that was given to SPIRITUAL ISRAEL ( Jews and Gentiles)?
CHAPTER 9- Why Daniel's vision of 70 weeks in Daniel 9 24 SUPPLEMENTS his vision of 2300 days in Daniel 8 14 ( E.G. White's 'First Vision' in 1844)
CHAPTER 10- By applying the latest science in CRYPTANALYSIS in disclosing HISTORICISM does not create a new light of its own, BUT rather it confirms the LIGHT of the PRESENT TRUTH
CHAPTER 11- The LOUD CRY from the lips of Christ 'IT IS FINISHED' ( John 19 30) had its 'MARKING' at the middle division of the middle division of the heavenly sanctuary (Between the Holy Place and Most Holy Place)
CHAPTER 12- What LAW contains the SEAL of the LIVING GOD ( 188 Dorchester Vision by Ellen G White )
CHAPTER 13- The "ACCESS" to the 1848 Dorchester Vision by Ellen. G. White which gave evidence that the "Bible SECRET CODE" '192' was disclosed first to the 'Remnant Seventh-day Adventist Church'
CHAPTER 14-A The Name Above Every Name JESUS CHRIST
CHAPTER 19- The 'Shifting of events' in the United States of America as disclosed on this Chart by CRYPTANALYZING (Revelation 12:13-17 and Revelation 13:11-17)
CHAPTER 20- The 'Shifting of events' in the United States of America
as disclosed on the CODE from the 'GREAT IMAGE'.