LE GEARS is a blog site that shares about latest updates in all areas of  life like Spiritual, Social, Physical, and Intellectual. It shares also news about technology, communication and networks, current events, and all experiences about travel, leisure and the environment.

LE GEARS is Life's Extreme Gears- things as gears that are connected to each other and make our lives go on and on.  It does not get stuck unless it has never been used and gets rusty.  Things happening around our lives are on a constant changing process. But principles that you have cannot be changed if you bravely stand for it. You are the gear... Big or small, you have the abilities, talents, principles, strengths that can make your life rolling and moving towards your goal.

Credits to all the copyright owners of all media posted on this site. If you're the owner of one or some of the contents here and you want it to be removed, please send the URL ADDRESS and the TITLE of the content to admin@legears.com or contact the admin phone below. It will be processed as soon as possible.

All the ads, donations and products selling on this site will be used to maintain this ministry (to buy a HD cam for recording and other equipments). Thanks to all the sponsors.

Contact Le Gears:

For paypal/credit card donations: raegel_08@yahoo.com
Admin e-mail address: raegel08@gmail.com
Admin/Business Cellular Phone: +63 9174931521 
Business e-mail address: admin@legears.com

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