It was around 8 in the evening of February 7, 2011 that I experienced this kind of problem on Facebook.  When I logged in my account, the first few pages works definitely fine.  Then when I am trying to send a new message to my friends, the page using the Chrome browser began to look not the usual way.  The images cannot be seen and the text format became simple and horrible.  Now I tried to check if something's wrong with the browser settings such as the cache and cookies, but all of them seem to be alright. I tried to browse different websites like gmail.com and youtube.com and both of them worked fine. I tried to open another browser which is Mozilla Firefox, then as I checked the Facebook site, it's still not working properly as well as using the Internet Explorer.

I tried to search for some answers in the help center of the Facebook, but I didn't find what I am looking for.  I tried to call my Internet Service Provider which is Smart bro, but they didn't do anything to block that site.

It's difficult to open Facebook site but there is an alternative solution for the mean time. To all the Subscribers of Smart bro, Globe Tattoo and Sun Cellular broadband 3G, you can check your facebook by typing in the address bar m.facebook.com of your web browser. It's like a mobile browsing and it's working very fine.

Both locally and internationally,  you can open your Facebook with the chat box by downloading the all in one Instant Messenger Service Trillian. Click here to download.

If you have the answers on why Facebook is not working properly and any alternative way to browse Facebook, please say a comment.


  1. m.facebook.com is available to all mobile phones around the world

  2. its working a little slow right now.. can't see the notifications..


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