Look At Me
September 17, 2010
Vesper Service, Friday @ 7:30 p.m.
C.A.A. Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pianist: Joeynette Almanon
Song No. 1: Marching to Zion
Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne.
We’re marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God.
Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God;But children of the heavenly King, But children of the heavenly King,
May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad.
We’re marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God.
The hill of Zion yields a thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets.
We’re marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God.
Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry;
We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground, We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground,
To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high.
We’re marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God.
Opening Song: Worhty Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb,
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb;
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain.
Glory, hallelujah!
Praise Him, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah
To the Lamb!
Savior, let Thy kingdom come!
Now the power of sin consume;
Bring They blest millennium, Holy Lamb.
Glory, hallelujah!
Praise Him, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah
To the Lamb!
Thus may we each moment feel,
Love Him, serve Him, Praise Him still,
Till we all on Zion’s hill see the Lamb.
Glory, hallelujah!
Praise Him, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah
To the Lamb!
Opening Prayer and Scripture Reading: Elisa Buenaventura
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Welcome Remarks: Pastor Jonel Fofue
Special Song Number: "Search Diligently, pray Always" Nenita Dalaguit
Speaker: Danny Trebucias, Church Elder
Message: Look At Me
Closing Song: Like Jesus
Teach, me, Father, what to say;
Teach me, Father, how to pray;
Teach me all along the way
How to be like Jesus.
I would be like Jesus,
I would be like Jesus!
Help me, Lord to daily grow
More and more like Jesus!
Teach me as the days go by,
Teach me not to reason why,
Teach me that to do and die,
Is to be like Jesus.
I would be like Jesus,
I would be like Jesus!
Help me, Lord to daily grow
More and more like Jesus!
Teach me that the time is short,
Teach me how to live and work,
Teach me that to never shirk
Is to be like Jesus.
I would be like Jesus,
I would be like Jesus!
Help me, Lord to daily grow
More and more like Jesus!
Teach me how we may be one,
Like the Father and the Son;
And when all is overcome,
I will be like Jesus.
I would be like Jesus,
I would be like Jesus!
Help me, Lord to daily grow
More and more like Jesus
Closing Prayer: Speaker
Rescessional: Pianist
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